While many professing Christians believe in general that Jesus Christ is Lord, how do I know that he is my Lord? How do I know that I have truly come to full saving faith in Christ? What should my life begin to look like as a follower of Christ? Let me give you four simple ways to know.

1. Brokenness

Psalm 51 reminds us that God desires a broken heart. There is no room for haughtiness or rebellion in the Christian life. He does not negotiate with sinners; he breaks them and changes their hearts completely. If there is no brokenness of sin, there is no real evidence of salvation.

The very definition of being a Christian, or a Christ follower, means that one has repented of their sin and submitted to the authority of God.

2. Submission

Submission characterizes every Christian. The very definition of being a Christian, or a Christ follower, means that one has repented of their sin and submitted to the authority of God. Submitting to God also requires submission in many other areas as well. The New Testament commands us to submit to God, governing authorities, wives submit to husbands, husbands submit to Christ, and everyone to submit to the elders of the church. Christians are to submit themselves clothed in humility, giving joy to whom we submit, giving honor out of reverence for Christ, and to submit in everything.

3. Contentment

Submitting ourselves to Christ means that we are content in every situation. Paul said in Philippians 4:11 that he learned to be content in every situation. As Christians, we need and desire nothing more than Christ. The world can offer nothing greater than its very creator, and recognizing and submitting to Christ as Lord is key to such contentment.

4. Acceptance

Finally, after being broken by sin, submitting to God and those whom he’s delegated authority, and learning to be content in every situation, we accept the reality of Christ as Lord. After losing everything, including his family, Job confessed that the Lord was the one who gave and took away, and he blessed the name of the Lord. If these four characteristics honestly mark you’re your life, you can enjoy confidence in God’s salvation through Christ.