"Anchoring Your Soul
in the Word of God"


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"Anchoring your soul in the Word of God"

Steadfast in the Faith, the preaching and writing ministry of Dr. Steve Swartz, exists to strengthen the church of Jesus Christ through the detailed verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible. Intended to be intensely practical for daily living, Steadfast in the Faith will take you into the world of the Bible and brings home how Scripture changes your life based on loving obedience to God’s written revelation.

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O Wretched Man! Rethinking Romans 7, Part 4

Romans 7 ("O Wretched Man!" Rethinking Romans 7 Series)


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from Steve Swartz

This book takes the theological position that the spiritual gift of tongues (human languages) ceased with the end of the apostolic era. The original purpose of the gift as well as a comparison to the attempted false versions of the gift today are offered. A sound, unemotional analysis is necessary t...

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