"Anchoring your Soul
in the Word of God"

Resources for practical Christian daily living

Featured Publication

TULIP, The Flower of Salvation: Understanding the Basics of Calvinism

Myths, fears, and irrational attacks concerning the basics of Calvinism abound, usually out of ignorance or not having actually read the basic clear arguments for the tenets of Calvinism. This book explains in basis terms the five major principles of Calvinism, including their origins as a rebuttal...

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Recent Articles

What was the Protestant Reformation?
Steve Swartz, The Protestant Reformation: Looking Back and Ahead

It is somewhat of a paradox that the name “Protestant Reformation” (more commonly known just as the “Reformation”) is made up of two words which are kind of ironic. “Protestant”—meaning someone who is protesting—no longer carries the same meaning that it did 500 years ago. Now “Protestant” is used to generally refer to any Christian church or denomination that is not Roman Catholic. And the word “Reformation” is ironic because it never happened. That’s right, the Reformation never happened.

Theopneustos: The Nature of Scripture Commands the Ministry of the Word
Steve Swartz

Years ago, I had the opportunity to preach in several small churches in England. Being unfamiliar with many cultural differences, I learned something new from congregants after I preached. Many of them would say, “Thank you for the ministry.” Not, “thanks for preaching.” Thank you for the ministry. Now, to me, “ministry” embodies all that the shepherd is to do, from preaching, counseling, leading, prayer, to committee meetings. But for them, “ministry” was exemplified fully in the sermon.

Upcoming Events from Steadfast

2024 Steadfast Bible Conference

September 27, 2024

The more deeply the people of God are convinced of the revelation, inspiration, infallibility, and clarity of Scripture, the greater the undeniable authority of Scripture will permeate every aspect of a believer’s life. This conference will be more than just lectures on why you can believe the Bible...

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What Is a Christian?

A Christian is simply one who has put their trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ and desires to live for God's plan (as given to us through God's book, the Bible) instead of their own. Want to learn more about what the Bible says and how you can follow Jesus? Let us help!

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Steadfast in the Faith

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be STEADFAST, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)