When you think about it, almost any trial or time of suffering in your life comes upon you by surprise. You don't look at your calendar and say, "I think a year from next January would be a great time to get colon cancer." You don't schedule these things. They come upon you by surprise. They knock you down emotionally and spiritually, and that's part of the reason they feel so bad. That's part of the reason for the pain is, you weren't planning on this. You weren't planning on having pain today. You woke up at 7:00 a.m., and by 10:00 some tragedy has happened. So what do you do? Well, I love the example of Paul and Silas when they were beaten and arrested and put into the Philippian prison. What did the other prisoners hear them doing? They were singing hymns. They were singing unto the Lord. And so can I tell you this? When the trial surprises you, start well, sing to the Lord, go to him.
Video Details
- Title: What do I do when I’m surprised by suffering?
- Video Link: Visit YouTube
- Publish Date: June 23, 2020