Five Devastating Trends Hindering Biblical "Growing-up"

March 4, 2020

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 3

Five Devastating Trends Hindering Biblical "Growing-up"

Believing that Christ is worth following is only half the matter. Following Christ and growing up spiritually is extremely important. Here are 5 things to avoid when seeking to mature in Christ and grow up Biblically.

A man who says he is following Christ becomes a grown-up and lives selflessly, grounded in the word of God, is growing up, is a servant, and is decisive.

  1. Selfishness – a “what’s in it for me” attitude. A belief that if someone is not just like you, then they must be wrong. Often times this selfishness shows up in an obsession with social media and talking about themselves. If there is attention to be had, it must be on you.

  2. Biblessness – Young men are obsessed with theology, but not with the Bible itself. They know more about what Calvin, Luther, Macarthur, and Sproul said, but they know little of what Paul, Peter, or even Jesus said. They don’t have the discipline to actually read their Bibles or prioritize church, because they’re too obsessed with their own entertainment. No book about the Bible has the power to change your life.

  3. Babyishness – This is seen in a culture of complaining, moaning, and groaning about everything. Babies think everyone around them should adjust to suit them. This is a culture of not loving and appreciating the generations ahead.

  4. Servicelessness – One of the greatest challenges in ministry in the 21st century is getting young men to do something. They want to talk and discuss everything, but serving is something they perceive is for their dads to do.

  5. Indecisiveness – This is a result of thinking “I’m so special that I have to have the perfect idealistic career” or “ I’m going to change the world,” yet ending up not making responsible decisions. Things like getting to work on time, paying the bills, loving my wife, and raising children are beneath me. This is an inability to make a plan and execute that plan.

A man who says he is following Christ becomes a grown-up and lives selflessly, grounded in the word of God, is growing up, is a servant, and is decisive.

Steve Swartz, D.Min

Dr. Swartz serves as Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Bakersfield, California and is a guest instructor at John MacArthur’s Grace Advance Academy, a church-planting training program. Dr. Swartz is the author of numerous books, including Strength in the River, Joyful Generosity, Shattered Shepherds, and The Essential Church.

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