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Pre-Flight Checklist

Five Devastating Trends Hindering Biblical "Growing-up"

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
Believing that Christ is worth following is only half the matter. Following Christ and growing up spiritually is extremely important. Here are 5 things to avoid when seeking to mature in Christ and grow up Biblically.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Is Christ Your Savior? 10 Reasons Why He Should Be

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
When choosing between submitting to Christ as Savior, and believing one’s self to be savior, many people would choose the latter. However, this trust in self is futile. The only qualified savior is Jesus Christ, and here’s why.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Is Christ Lord of Your Life? Four Ways to Know

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
While many professing Christians believe in general that Jesus Christ is Lord, how do I know that he is my Lord? How do I know that I have truly come to full saving faith in Christ? What should my life begin to look like as a follower of Christ? Let me give you four simple ways to know.

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