Where We Must Start: The Danger of Man-Made Evidence of Heaven

May 12, 2020

Heaven: Our Glorious New Home

Where We Must Start: The Danger of Man-Made Evidence of Heaven

As human beings, we crave information about what we can expect after death. We want to know: Is there a heaven? Will I be there? Will I see loved ones? Will I continue to exist? What will happen to me? One of the biggest ways Christians and non-Christians alike are deceived is in the area of extra-b...

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Seven Practical Ways to Eagerly Wait for His Appearing

Apr 29, 2020

Strength in the Desert

Seven Practical Ways to Eagerly Wait for His Appearing

Perhaps the most important lesson we can learn about waiting on the Lord that we can learn comes from a group of people that we can most relate to, Christians in the church of Jesus Christ still struggling on this earth. In the context of Hebrews 9, Christ is compared to the high priest who would enter the Most Holy Place to make atonement for the sins of his people.

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Be Relaxed in God’s Timing

Apr 27, 2020

Strength in the Desert

Be Relaxed in God’s Timing

“Timing is everything,” is a common phrase that is true in many areas of life. When we pray, our sense of timing generally defaults to, “the sooner the better.” The issue with waiting on the Lord is basically that my sense of timing and God’s perfect timing are different. They are at odds with each other. In Psalm 62, David teaches us to be relaxed in God’s timing. In verse 8, David speaks to his people and gives two general principles to follow during a time of waiting on the Lord.

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Lessons from the Martyrs: Seven Examples on How to Wait on the Lord

Apr 24, 2020

Strength in the Desert

Lessons from the Martyrs: Seven Examples on How to Wait on the Lord

Revelation 6:9-11 reveals the opening of the fifth seal found in the great scroll that only the Lamb of God can open. This seal revealed tribulation saints that had been, “slain for the word of God and the witness they had borne.” They were crying out for retribution and for the justice of God to prevail. They set a perfect example for us on how to perfectly wait upon the Lord. They have now seen Christ face to face, which means their sanctification has been completed. Waiting isn’t passive, docile, or lifeless for them, it is an intensive and focused activity. Here are seven examples given by the martyrs in heaven on how to wait on the Lord.

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