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Five Church Situations Which Benefit from Outside Resources

Designing a New Facility or Remodel

By Steve Swartz
1 year ago
This short series is devoted to the local church that might derive some benefit for outside resources. Scripture teaches that the ultimate authority in the local church is the body of elders/leaders God has raised up (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1). But sometimes the better part of wisdom with this body of leaders is to utilize the help of outside resources with specific knowledge. This series suggests five situations which might benefit from an outside resource.

Heaven: Our Glorious New Home

Heaven as It Is Now: Cultivating an Eagerness for Heaven

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
Scripture has a lot to say about Heaven, and what we as Christians can look forward to. Here are just a few things that it says about the immediate comfort that we will enjoy as soon as we enter those gates! Perfection and Peace Heaven as it is right now is the place where “God will wipe away ev...

Heaven: Our Glorious New Home

God with Us and Us with God: Reveling in God’s Presence

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
Revelation 21:3 describes the greatest aspect of New Earth: “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.’” We see the entire point of redemptive...

Heaven: Our Glorious New Home

The Mature Christian Anticipates the Return of Christ

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
Revelation 22:11b says, “[Let] the righteous still do right and the holy still be holy.” The young church at Thessalonica had many questions and concerns about the coming of Christ. Had they missed the rapture? Was there hope for the saved who had died already? They were spiritual infants in their t...

Heaven: Our Glorious New Home

The Mature Christian Hopes for the Rapture

By Steve Swartz
4 years ago
Certainly, one of the most debated points of Christian theology is the idea of the rapture of the church—the catching away of God’s people at some future time in miraculous fashion. Great men and women of God have disagreed on this issue. Regardless of where you come down on the rapture issue, you s...

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